Digitizing Value for free.


The company’s name is Exonovia [exo-nov-ia]. Exonovia is the product of exo, novum and via and it means ‘out of a new way’. Our company’s name is a nod to our redistributive business model that pays merchants per transaction instead of charging them.
Exonovia Inc. was founded in 2018 by Student-Veterans at Columbia University. The founder graduated with an understanding that small merchants pay an unnecessarily high price for the ability to digitize commerce and connect with customers.
The combination of education, training and experience of everyone at Exonovia uniquely positions us to build a more equitable payments system that is trusted, secure, regulated and embraced by those who need it most.
The underlying research identifying the burden of digital transactions on communities began in the fall of 2015. Since then, our focus on improving communities has framed our sense of purpose down the very innovations we have chosen to pursue. We see this model and our purpose as a win win win for communities in need because our technology and business model helps merchants and customers in ways no other payments company can.
Exonovia is a service provider designed to help merchants do away with transaction fees all together. In thinking of ways to eliminate transaction fees completely, we pursued an entirely new path of payments innovation.
Because of our independent thinking, we can proudly say we are the only payments processor in the world that can offer merchants a small payment for each and every transaction they process with us. Goodbye transaction fees.
In addition to eliminating transaction fees our offline payments technology is able to approve retail transactions without the need for an internet connection in your store whatsoever. Goodbye access fees too.